
PRP Formulations: Have You heard about Acellular Growth Factor Rich Plasma A-GFRP?

Platelet Rich Plasma is one of the regenerative therapies most popular outhere by concept; it’s a sample of blood that contains 3-5 times the baseline levels of platelets. PRP is obtained after a laboratory process that includes putting the samples in a swing out rotor centrifuge at high speed.There are several systems and ways to obtain PRP, but basically it is done by centrifuging whole blood and obtaining the platelet layer and in some cases, the buffy coat layer.   

For the past 2 decades PRP has become a paramount weapon in regenerative medicine.

Acellular Growth Factor Rich Plasma A-GFRP

There are two different ways of using PRP, one as cellular rich plasma which is mostly used for local applications, and a less known version: The acellular growth factors rich plasma A-GFRP which is used for systemic applications and as a culture media for stimulating Stem Cells  .

To obtain the AGrowth factors rich plasma A-GFRP it is necessary to add Calcium to the original PRP and incubate for 45 min at 37.5 C.this will produce platelet activation, degranulation and ultimate lysis, hence liberating all the growth factors and chemokines to the serum that way we will obtain a contracted clot surrounded by a high protein serum. This serum, rich in growth factors can be administered via IV as a conditioning therapeutic, or as a culture media free of animal products. Watch the Step by Step Video 

What do the platelets have inside?  

Platelets are fragments of cells holding granules in their cytoplasm. Those granules contain up to 8 growth factors that have an important effect on tissue repair, some of the important ones that are key to cellular proliferation and angiogenesis are. 

-VEGF (vascular-endothelial growth factor),

-EGF (epidermal growth factor),

-bFGF (basic fibroblast growth factor) 

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